
Discover the art of blacksmithing through hands-on workshops led by Lisa, where imagination meets metal and fire. Ideal for beginners and enthusiasts alike, these sessions cover everything from basic techniques to creating your own take-home projects like hooks, metal leaves, and more. Lisa’s workshops are a unique blend of instruction, practical application, and chaotic fun, all in a supportive and safety-first environment. You’ll not only learn the fundamentals of manipulating hot steel but also experience the joy of creating something tangible and lasting.


Beginner Bladesmithing

JUNE 7-11, 2024 (SOLD OUT)


Private Instruction

For those seeking a more personalized learning experience, Lisa offers private instruction in her workshop. Whether you’re a novice without any metalwork experience or someone with handyman skills looking to expand your craft, Lisa tailors each session to your learning pace and goals. From forging your first knife to mastering heat treatment and handle shaping, Lisa’s one-on-one lessons provide a deep dive into metalworking, allowing you to develop skills and create pieces that hold personal significance.

Private Instruction Inquiry
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